Brussels _Head of Water Authority Eng. Mazen Ghoneim confirmed that the donor conference, which aims to support the desalination plant program in the Gaza Strip, succeeded in saving nearly 80% of the project value of around 600 million dollars.
In a telephone conversation with a reporter Ma'an News Agency, Eng Ghoneim stressed that the water authority has succeeded in persuading donors of the importance of vital program to save the Gaza Strip from a humanitarian catastrophe, the fact that more than 80 percent of public sector water unfit for human consumption.
He considered that the success of the water authority through the donor conference in collecting 565 million dollars, is a great success story, after culminating efforts begun three years ago to hold international meetings and tours to the capitals of the world to mobilize international support for this Conference.
He continued: considerable effort by the water authority has lasted for more than three years, to convince the world of the importance of the project, providing financial support, and to develop plans and designs for desalination plant program in the Gaza Strip, which will enable the water authority to tender procedures the central desalination plant and carrier line at the earliest possible opportunity.
It is noteworthy that Eng. Ghoneim signed on behalf of the Water Authority with Flavia Blanza, Director of the Middle East and North Africa, an agreement of intent between the European Investment Bank and the water authority.
Eng.Ghoneim stressed that the Convention provision 7.1 million euros from the European Union through the World Bank for the purpose of bringing an international advisory services specializes in providing technical assistance to implement infrastructural projects.
He stressed also, that the signing of this declaration considered as an introduction for signing the financial agreement in the coming period earliest possible opportunity.