Minister Ghunaim: "Water security is the cornerstone of national security, as it is closely linked in all development, economic and humanitarian sectors."
Dr. Mohammed Shalalda: "Necessary legal mechanisms must be imposed to hold Israel accountable to the international community”
The National Committee for International Humanitarian Law, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and the Water Authority, organized a legal symposium on Israeli violations of Palestinian water rights under international humanitarian law.
Justice Minister Dr. Mohammed Shalala opened the forum, thanking the Water Authority for its efforts in preserving Palestinian water rights.
Dr. Shalalda said that the occupying power is constantly violating the water rights of the Palestinian people, in contravention of all the principles of international humanitarian law and the UN resolutions issued against the Palestinian people and the need to preserve their water rights.
In the same context, Dr. Shalalda said that we must collectively find the legal mechanisms to hold Israel accountable to the international community for its continuous violations against the Palestinian people, their water rights and natural resources.
For his part, Eng. Ghunaim confirmed the continuous efforts of the Water Authority in facing Israeli challenges and violations and activating the claim on Palestinian water rights in international forums, one of the results of which was the affirmation of the United Nations Committee on economic and financial matters; Second Committee, a draft resolution entitled "Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, over their natural resources". That affirmed and supported Palestinian rights and condemned Israeli violations.
He pointed out that it is necessary to work in partnership to develop recommendations to draw a road map for regional and international action based on the recommendations of this report, which will be able to reduce Israeli violations and ensure that our people get their water rights.
Eng.Ghunaim also pointed out that if the Israeli violations continue, with the growing demand for water in Palestine as a result of the population growth, where the population is expected to rise to 7.2 million by 2030, and according to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), there will be an annual water deficit in Gaza and the West Bank of about 79 and 92 million cubic meters, respectively, by 2030, unless the quantities available to the Palestinians increase.
Eng. Ghunaim concluded by saying that we insist on demanding our water rights, in accordance with the relevant international laws and conventions, and this requires searching for mechanisms capable of mobilizing international public opinion towards the human rights of water in Palestine, and activating the role of human rights organizations and institutions of the international community, in addition to intensifying work at all levels and with partners to mobilize international support, in order to ensure that violations are exposed and placed within the legal framework binding on Israel to stop its policies of looting Palestinian water.
The symposium also included a number of explanations on issues that highlight the extent of Israeli violations and the damage inflicted on the Palestinians, whether in terms of developing the infrastructure or providing services to citizens in an optimal manner.