Water Authority: The last rainfall raised the proportion of rain to 43% in West Bank and to 73% in Gaza Strip | PWA
Water Authority: The last rainfall raised the proportion of rain to 43% in West Bank and to 73% in Gaza Strip


The Palestinian Water Authority announced in a report released today that the recent downpour that lasted for several days raised the proportion of rainfall in the West Bank to about 43% and in the Gaza Strip to 73% of the general yearly rate. Water Authority also considered that rainfall in various areas of West Bank and Gaza Strip since the beginning of the rainy season and up to this moment is good in terms of amounts of precipitation and geographical distribution compared with previous seasons, where rainfall season average up to date is about 194 mm in West Bank, and 258-mm in Gaza Strip, taking into consideration that the overall long-term average of rainfall in West Bank, 454 mm / year, and 356 mm / year in Gaza Strip.

The Water Authority also expected that the rainy season will have a positive impact on groundwater levels and increase malnutrition rates in different groundwater basins, which will contribute to improve the productivity of wells, in addition to the re-flow of many water springs. The amount of water that reached feeding basins rates was estimated up to 222 million cubic meters of water of groundwater in the West Bank which accounts for about 32% of the general rate which is about 688 million cubic meters annually. While the amount of rain water that reached the basin feeding the underground water in the Gaza Strip was estimated at 33 million cubic meters of water, which accounts for 60% of the general rate which is  about 55 million cubic meters annually. The need for more rain remains in order to reduce the water deficit in some aquifers, particularly in the southern area of West Bank in light of the growing demand for water and continuous control of the Israeli occupation over the Palestinian water sources.

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