Ramallah: Eng. Mazen Ghoneim- head of the Water Authority met at his office today with members of the administrative board of the Union of Palestinian real estate developers to discuss the needs of the Union regarding tariff issues and it’s relation with real estate.
Where the meeting discussed the developer’s fears of the mechanism of imposing fees for providing water service on which the pricing imposed on the properties is calculated.
Eng. Ghoniem said that PWA is always ready to support all development sectors and provide the necessary service according to a unified basis and an integrated system to serve all governorates in our country. He explained that the Water Authority is currently working on preparing a unified tariff system through which a clear pricing will be developed based on professional basis that Citizens and all other sectors will get benefit from. He confirmed that Water Authority is interested in involving all the parties and stakeholders in order to come up with a comprehensive system according to a clear mechanisms and specific criteria that takes into account all related aspects.