Head of Water Authority, Eng. Mazen Ghoneim made an inspection tour to a number of towns in the governorate of Jenin to get acquainted with the water situation, accompanied by the Director of the Local Government Directorate in Jenin, Mr. Walid Estiti and Mr. Samir Dawabsha, besides specialists from the water authority.
During the visit, the head of the water authority inaugurated the Water link of Zabda that the Water Authority established in August this year to deliver water to the town which is suffering from lack of any water source and get the water from Ya’bad well, as it is the closest to the area, and despite the reliance on it, the water does not reach it continuously, thereby the water authority has worked to improve the situation in the region by establishing a water link with a capacity up to 300 cups a day pumps to the three villages, Zibda , Al-Khuljan ,Umm dar. Besides construction of a transmission line along 1600 metres and a diameter of four inches to the arrival of water for the residents of the Zibda for the first time continuously. In this context, Eng. Ghoneim stressed that it is shameful in the twenty-first century to talk about a water connection pump 13 cups per hour, which does not meet the minimum requirement of citizens at a time when the water service must be available to all in sufficient quantities, this indicates the siege of the Palestinian people and the Israeli policy aimed at emptying the land of its inhabitants and passing the settlement units. Therefore, we face all these challenges through our steadfastness and provision of services to the Palestinian people, especially water in the remote areas.
The Minister visited a number of towns of Jenin, where he met with the residents of M?ulla , Al-Mughaiyir, Umm al-Tut, Umm Dar, Jalqamus, Burqin, and Jenin and seen the future needs of citizens regarding the need for the rehabilitation of water networks in order to reduce waste and extra water quantities Besides the sanitation sector development and which has become an urgent need.
The Water Authority has worked on implementing an integrated project for the South West of Jenin, funded by USAID with a value of us $13 million, aims to increase the amount of water supplied to the population and to ensure the equitable distribution of water in the southwest part of Jenin ,the project serves about 50,000 people from the villages of Kfairet, Kafr Ra'i, Ajja , Arraba, Jalqamus, Mtulla, Sanur, Umm- Al-Tut and Al-Mughaiyir, through the construction of 6 new reservoirs and the establishment of the Mtulla pumping station and the water network with all mechanical parts equipped with a remote reading system.
The project also contributes to improving the transfer of water to villages southwest of Jenin, improved water storage capacity by building new reservoirs, providing reliable and safe water supply project area and connect the water supply in the northwest of West Bank.