Ramallah: Head of the Water Authority Eng. Mazen Ghoneim met in his office the chairman and members of the municipality of Qablan to discuss the municipal needs and the water situation in the region.
The chairman of the council addressed the issue of the quantities of water and the suffering of citizens in the highlands in the town of Qablan of water shortages in the summer and the need to increase the water quota for the region.
In this regard, Eng. Ghoneim explained that the quantities of water supplied to Qablan according to the special distribution strategy are sufficient quantities for the town, and that the problem it suffers is in the distribution mechanism adopted by the municipality which leads to the lack of access of water to the highlands. He instructed the specialists to go to Qablan and see the current distribution mechanism and work to correct it in the best way, which ensures the distribution of water to all neighbourhoods to avoid the suffering of high neighbourhoods.
Minister Ghonaim added that the Water Authority is working in accordance in with the possibilities to provide additional water quantities for Palestinian communities to meet the needs of the citizens, especially in the summer, where a number of Palestinian areas suffer a severe water crisis.