Prime Minister Dr. Rami Hamdallah confirmed the government's quest for self-sufficiency in light of the reduction in external support, stressing the refusal to exchange national constants with political money.
This came during the inauguration of a water carrier line in Tubas, to meet the needs of the townspeople, in which he declared support for the cultural center in province 900 thousand dollars, plus 150 thousand dollars for Municipal Stadium for Aqaba.
The Prime Minister said during his speech that the financial empowerment for the Government in Gaza, and full control over the crossings, enforce public order and the rule of law and to enable the judiciary to recognize and allow the return of all former staff to work, is required to shift to do serious and official unitary ends the suffering of citizens in Gaza.
Dr.Rami Hamdallah pointed out that: great challenges facing the national issue under the financial and political siege, indicating that it would be held in Brussels next month, an international donors conference to secure funding needed to implement Gaza Desalination Plant Project of at a cost of 650 million dollars, Which is the biggest in the region, and the only way to save the Gaza Strip from the humanitarian disaster which beset him.
Head of Water Authority Eng.Mazen Ghoneim stressed the eagerness of the Government to alleviate the suffering of people and improve their daily lives, maintain and support the agricultural sector in Tubas and the northern Jordan Valley, where the Palestinian Government has paid special attention to the region and to implement many projects Strategy and the necessary financial and technical resources allocated to develop these projects.
Adding that a main water line project for Aqaba-Tubas, funded by Palestinian Government budget is a living example on the achievements of the Palestinian Government and implemented many strategic projects and overcome many difficult obstacles, whether caused by the political situation or to provide funding despite the difficult economic situation faced by the Government.
The Minister Ghoneim mentioned in his speech, the achievements that are implemented in Tubas and northern valleys such as the rehabilitation of the infrastructure and improving the quality and quantity of drinking water service in joint services Council for drinking water and sanitation in: Tubas, Tammoun ,Tayaseer and Aqaba , and the construction of a well and station in Tubas, Construction of a well and pumping station in Tammon with production capacity of 250 m³/h, water lines, Create a water system to Tayaseer village (4000 citizens were not served by water) by creating internal water lines and water tanker and supply and install prepaid water meters 500 counter, rehabilitate water system in Tubas to reduce waste and improve quality of service through rehabilitation Internal water network supply and install prepaid water meters (3500 meter), rehabilitate water system in Aqaba so as to reduce waste and improve quality of service through the establishment of water tanker and a pumping station and water tank and internal water network rehabilitation supply and install prepaid water meters ( 1000 meter), As well as creating Tayaseer station wastewater purification with sewage networks and water treatment system funded by the European Union EU 20 million the project aims at improving the structure and sewage collection, treatment and reuse and cancel drilling absorbency in all houses , which will contribute to solving environmental problems and social health, as well as the reuse of treated water for agriculture.