Head of the Water Authority Eng. Mazen Ghoneim met in his office today with Mr. Peter Mollim, head of the Dutch Representative Office in Palestine, to discuss the prospects for cooperation between the two sides in issues related to the water and sanitation sector and to discuss the needs and prospects that the Water Authority aspires to achieve in the future in terms of institutional frameworks, technical and technical aspects, through established mechanisms are viable and future evolution.
In his meeting, Minister Ghoneim stressed the importance of the role played by the Dutch government supporting the implementation of vital projects in Palestine was recently allocated 8 million euros for the project of the central desalination plant for the Gaza Strip , which requires parties to broaden cooperation to extend projects serve the infrastructure projects linked to the institutional side as well as the development of technological development in this area to develop the water sector with all its components.
The meeting also touched the confirmation of the head of the Water Authority The importance of moving forward with the steps to be completed in order to be able to start the implementation of the desalination plant central project, through the signing of agreements with donors that have pledged their contribution to the Brussels Conference to start concrete actions on the ground.
For his part Mr.Moulim , as Vice President of the sectorial group for the water sector that the Dutch Government will provide more financial support in the future to serve the development of institutional aspects and technical aspects in harmony with water authority plans and in accordance with the priorities listed, at the same time praising Accomplishment and success achieved by the water authority organized Palestine international forum which recently took place, and positive echoes emphasizes the ability of the water authority to organize international events attract experts from around the world, expressing appreciation for the clear efforts made by the water authority Can be seen through the achievements on the ground in implementing various projects and face obstacles that may impede their work.