Ramallah-Head of water authority Eng. Mazen Ghneim presides over a meeting with the Director of the French Development Agency in Jerusalem, Mrs. Catherine Bono, and specialists from both sides to discuss the work and development of the joint projects.
Ghoneim praised the important role of the French Development Agency in supporting various projects in the framework of improving water service for citizens and thus improving their lives.
He stressed that the water authority is conducting the periodic meetings as an integral part of the plan to follow up the progress of work on the ground and all the funders and partners to ensure the work and better results.
The meeting included a presentation of the work of one of the most important projects financed by the French Development Agency which is Bethlehem Water and Sanitation Project that involves improving water and sanitation services for all County, the presentation addressed also the challenges and proposed solutions.
For her part, Bono appreciated the water authority's efforts to surround them with all the details that enable them to better follow up on the ground and stressed that these meetings ensure high professional work between the parties.