Ramallah: Head of Water Authority, Eng. Mazen Ghunaim confirmed that the Water Authority is seeking to end the sanitation problem that afflicts the Jaffna region and the surrounding areas, such as Birzeit town and Jalazon camp, through the construction of an integrated sewerage system that will benefit the region and the surrounding areas, including the establishment of a treatment plant, whose financial cost is estimated at $23 million. The feasibility study, funded by the European Investment Bank (EIB), has been completed and the project will be included for funding.
This came during Eng. Ghunaim’s meeting with the mayor and members of Jaffna municipality today, where he confirmed that the Water Authority will not allow any harm to any side, especially in the issue of wastewater flow, which is considered a health and environmental scourge, as we are working on all the necessary solutions to solve the problems of different regions, explaining that the current sewage line in the Jaffna region, which contributes to solving the problem of the wastewater flowing from Al-Jalazoun camp, can be used now to end the problem of the water flow in Birzeit town until the implementation of the main project, stressing in this regard that the effects of the wastewater networks coming from Birzeit on the transmission line will be discussed by the team of specialists.