Ramallah - Head of Water Authority, Eng. Mazen Ghuneim, inaugurated today a number of development projects in West Bani Zaid in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate, including the construction of a pumping station and conveyor line for Bani Zeid reservoir Phase 1, which aims to improve the quantity of drinking water and its distribution among citizens. , to serve about 14 thousand inhabitants within the region during the construction of pumping station and transmission lines with different diameters 6 "and 8" in the area with a total length of 480 m.
The minister also opened the project for the construction of conveyor lines in the municipality of the West Bani Zaid / Phase II that aims to reduce the loss rate by 48%. Thus increasing the quantity of water and contribute to improving the distribution of water among the citizens in the region through the construction of a transmission line with 6 ' diameter and distribution lines with different diameters 3" and 2 ", Eng. Ghuneim opened the third phase of Bani Zaid project/ Rehabilitation of water network - Kafr Ein, which aims to improve the water quantity and reduce the loss of the network to serve more than 2000 inhabitants within the region of Kafr Ein, through the establishment of a water network containing distribution lines with diameters 2 and 3, and build fountains with total length 3,900 m ,to increase the amount of drinking water and reduce network losses and increase coverage in the village. The implementation of the project in its three stages, funded by the budget of the Water Authority, which amounted to more than 3.5 million shekels.
This came during Minister Ghuniam’s tour accompanied with Deputy of Ramallah Governorate Hamdan Barghouthi, and the Mayor of Beit Rima Yazan al-Rimawi. During his speech, Eng. Ghunaim confirmed that the opening of water projects comes at a time when the Gaza Strip faces more aggression from the Israeli side, which targets all aspects of life, but in spite of all circumstances, we will continue to work to develop infrastructure and complete more projects that aim to restore life to Gaza.
Eng. Ghunaim added that the Palestinian government gives the water sector a great importance and provide support by supporting the development budget of the Water Authority for the delivery of water service to all communities and support the steadfastness of citizens, which requires the provision of basic services, notably the water. He concluded that Bani Zaid will remain a development zone and that the water authority will complete work to ensure the access of water to every household in the region.
The Mayor of Bani Zaid Yazen al-Rimawi expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the water authority to respond to the needs of the Beni Zaid and the implementation of this project, which contributed to improving the quantities of water in the region after suffering from scarcity, especially during the summer.