The Palestine International Forum was launched today under the auspices of President Mahmoud Abbas in the presence Legal and official figures and Representations and international bodies to highlight the water sector and its accompanying challenges and developments which has the attention of all States of the world.
Head of Water Authority Eng. Mazen Ghneim said that the first Palestine International Water Forum held in Palestine to highlight the global water issues and challenges facing, especially the growing population, increasing demands of development and climate change, drought and forced migrations and consequent scarcity of water resources, The concept of security has become one of the most important water priorities and objectives on international agendas, including establishing cooperation frameworks and partnership between partner countries and the aquatic and riparian built on the foundations of a fair and equitable use of trans boundary waters and shared resources, and through the application of Modern practices and technology methods in water resources management and find alternative sources of water to serve these ends.
He explained that this forum came under the slogan ' modern techniques and practices for integrated water resources management ' which will provide an opportunity to learn about the progress and the latest development in modern technology in this field to assist in the implementation of the foundations and principles of this approach as a basis for achieving the sixth goal of sustainable development, which seeks to achieve water security, we are sure that this forum is not the end, not the last, but it will be a starting point for many international forums and conferences in the near future hopefully, and will be on the agenda of forums and international water events.
Eng.Ghoneim said that we have insisted on holding this forum on the land of Palestine and we know how difficult it is to organize and coordinate such forums which include personalities of different nationalities, we have assumed all the obstacles and challenges that will face us from coordinating Arab delegations format to enter the Palestinian territories , and complications delayed the issuance of permits by the Israeli side which led to the arrival of Jordan and having to wait for long periods on bridges until morning, and there's a group still stuck waiting, let me here to thank them thanks and appreciation the burden of the trip. And insisted on sharing and expressing their deep awareness of the importance of the success of this forum in Palestine, and apologize to the delegations that did not issue them permits this time.
At the end of his speech, Eng. Ghoneim expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Sponsors of work papers for their efforts in preparing their papers, which reached 98 scientific papers and all participants in the work of the Forum of companies, institutions and individuals which amounted to 24, and thanks also our supporters of institutions and organizations Which had a larger role in empowering us and supporting us in launching this forum.
For her part, Dr. Khairiya Raasas, advisor to the Prime Minister Dr. Rami Al-Hamdallah, on behalf of by pointing out that this forum conveys Palestine into which can interact with the latest technologies and practices in integrated water resources management. We see in this Forum an opportunity to expand joint international action and take advantage of international expertise and experience that we know today on an important aspect.
Dr. Khairiya Raasas added that the Forum is gaining importance in Palestine, for its face a climate and environmental challenges and dangers of water scarcity but also address the dominance of the Israeli occupation on the ground and water sources, confiscating them for their right to enjoy and exploit them, and placed obstacles to the implementation of water and sanitation projects, thus increasing water deficit and water per capita dropped from recommended rates globally. In this context, the First Palestine International Water Forum is an important window for the transfer of experience of Palestine as a country striving for growth and advancement and development, despite being under occupation, in the geographical area where the challenges are magnified.
The representative of the Arabic League Dr. Hamou , stressed that once the Forum was held in the present circumstances is a success for all those who organize and for the Palestinian people, at its first session, the Forum attracts all these experiences and participation of many Arabic countries and of the world for evidence of the ability of water authority and partners to meet the challenges of the Organization and ensure scientific quality which will make him an attractive pole in the near future to Arab and international attention.
Explaining that one of the reasons that provided conditions for success that water is one of the central themes in the Arab-Israeli conflict and in peace negotiations since the launch of its repercussions on all aspects of economic and social development and ensure environmental sustainability, The forum is held in a precise ,Regionally and internationally, as it is being held in the State of Palestine and the pure land, above the cradle of civilizations and religions and airstrip dear to all our hearts.
The Forum gathered (despite its technical nature) scientific, technical and political dimensions and civilization, thanks to everyone who contributed to its success. We wish that the Forum will be established as a tradition (an annual or biennial) while as I indicated to ensure quality and creativity in choosing topics and themes. The University will work in cooperation with the brothers in the water authority and regional and international organizations for this forum is an opportunity to share experiences the latest developments in water science and good practices and at the same time to send a message to the world and world language data and Palestinian figures challenged data that is marketed by occupation authorities on Arabic water rights and ensure the right of the Palestinian people in full sovereignty over its territory and resources including surface water and groundwater resources.
Hamo pointed out that each of us knows the suffering of the Palestinian people from Israeli crimes contrary to International humanitarian law, which does not touch water security only but converted part of the country to areas without any conditions of life as is the case with the Gaza Strip.
Adding that the time is not enough to list data about the reality of the water situation in Palestine that is un Known by some and ignored by others even published by reputable and impartial international organizations (though don't reflect the whole truth) and those offered by Palestinians who pay tribute to their efforts in difficult circumstances and in specialized scientific journals and conferences, and As the forum will contain many sessions I will renew support for the Arabic League to the State of Palestine in defense of their legitimate rights to sovereignty over all its territory and all water resources.