Head of Water Authority Eng.Mazen Ghoneim headed the Palestinian delegation in The Arab Ministerial water Council meeting at its tenth session, which held in the State of Kuwait in the presence of Palestinian Ambassador to Kuwait Mr Rami Tahboub , Ghoneim reviewed the water sector challenges and the efforts by the Palestinian water authority to develop the sector in all its components, Urging Arabic States and organizations to support the Palestinian Government's efforts to achieve water rights of the Palestinian people
At the beginning of his speech, Ghoneim thanked Kuwait State Emir, Government and people for hosting the meeting of the Arab Ministerial Council on water technical meetings, in addition to Arab Water Conference, praising the hospitality and organization, which is not new to the State of Kuwait.
Ghoneim referred to the difficult political situations in the Arab region, affecting the daily life of the Arab citizen, especially in countries experiencing wars and conflicts, including Palestine which still facing the only occupation on Earth until today. Ghoneim pointed out that these conditions affected the water situation in the Arabic States until many of them are facing a difficult water crisis, urged Arab water ministers the need for integration and joint action in the face of these challenges and thus provide the basis of life for the people which is water.
In his review of the catastrophic water situation in Gaza, Ghoneim confirmed that after the success of the donor conference in securing more than 80 percent of the funding to begin the implementation of the central desalination program in Gaza strip, Water Authority would start practical steps on the ground to begin the project, in consultation with experts and The partner of Arabic States.
In this context Ghoneim thanked each of the Islamic Development Bank for the support of central desalination program equivalent to 50% of the finance amount, which considers being the foundation stone of the project, and thanked the Arabic countries support through the Bank chiefly Saudi Arabia. He also thanked all of the State of Kuwait and the State Democratic Republic of Algeria for its support for the program. He praised also the efforts of the Arabic League and the Secretariat in pursuing efforts for the program efforts for the success of the donor conference and representation at the Conference venue
Ghoneim called on the Arab Ministerial Council urgency in supporting efforts to the Arab Ministerial Council to expedite the support of efforts to form a committee of international experts in accordance with the ministerial decision in this regard and activate its role in developing a plan to confront Israeli ambitions in the Arab waters under occupation. calling on States and organizations to Arabic Nomination of experts to begin making the general framework for the network.
Ghoneim appreciated the bilateral relationship which was formed by effective memoranda of understanding with each of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Kingdom of Morocco, as well as Arabic States hold bilateral relations aimed at the exchange of expertise at the service of Palestinian water sector development service in the Republic of Iraq, and the Arabic Republic of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, Democratic Republic of Algeria, the State of Kuwait to host the work of the Conference
Ghoneim stressed that what Palestine aspire to is effective Arab solidary which is an international compression tool to enlist international support for international justice of the Palestinian cause, which prove the joint efforts of the Arabic countries and the Secretariat
in the inclusion of Palestinian water rights in the final statement of the political track to The World Water Forum, held in Brazil last March. Appreciating and praising this common Arab position in support of the State of Palestine at this important international forum.
At the end of his speech, Ghoneim invited ministers and heads of delegation and representatives of the organizations attending the Arabic Conference to attend the first International Water Forum of Palestine, stressing that their presence on the land of Palestine is a great Arab support for the steadfastness and the historic rights of the Palestinian.