Ramallah: Head of the Water Authority, Eng. Mazen Ghunaim, met in his office today the Mayor of Dura Ahmed Salhoub, and a number of its members, to get acquainted with the municipality’s needs, and to discuss the means of support provided by the Water Authority to improve its water services.
The meeting touched on the needs of Dura to expand the current water network and rehabilitating some internal networks in the city to improve the water situation and reduce the high waste.
In this context, it was agreed that the technical teams will determine the actual needs and work according to the available resources to provide the municipality with the urgent needs to help achieve the work related to rehabilitation and maintenance as soon as possible, and the installation of pre-paid meters by a decision of the Council of Ministers in particular.
The meeting also discussed the sewage project and the need to establish a water treatment plant, noting that the municipality will contribute to the preparation of plans and designs and the implementation of household connections in addition to discussing the necessity of establishing a treatment plant for Dora Hospital, which is used for people infected with Corona virus.